Pharmaceutical News
Copayment adjustments will have major impacts MOHW: The implementation timeline will be hard to determine

Minister of Health and Welfare (MOHW) Minister Chen Shih-chung recently announced that 2022's National Health Insurance (NHI) premium rates will likely remain at 2021’s 5.17 percent. However, as the MOHW is still in discussions with stakeholders regarding the long-discussed reform of the copayment scheme and have yet to reach a consensus, upcoming changes are not likely to be finalized in time to coincide with the decision on the NHI premium rates. Furthermore, as changes to the copayment scheme needs to complete its administrative process, the timeframe for implementation remains indeterminate.


"Increases to copayments are not likely to be implemented immediately, as more time for communication is needed,” MOHW Department of Social Insurance Director General Shang Tung-fu said, adding that ongoing talks are focused on several areas including drugs prescriptions, refillable prescriptions for chronic conditions, diagnostic tests, as well as emergency care and inpatient care. However, as copayments outpatient and emergency care have already been adjusted in 2017, it is likely that no further adjustments will be made for 2022. Nevertheless, due to a lack of consensus, more discussion is needed.


The three objectives of efforts at improving NHI finances include reducing resource wastage, ensuring fairness among payers and elevating quality of care rendered. On reducing wastage, the implementation of a cloud-based data system to detect redundant drug prescriptions. On ensuring fairness, laws and regulations specify that an advance payment equivalent to three months’ NHI premiums must be made before an individual may reenroll on the NHI. However, changing reenrollment rules will require amendments to the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Health Insurance Law", which will require further discussions. As for improving service quality, the MOHW outlined mid to long-term plans to reform NHI finances, including the establishment an online platform for manufacturers to register new drugs to allow the NHIA to gain a clearer picture of demand.


[2021-12-31/United Daily News]