Pharmaceutical News
National Taiwan University Hospital report NT$1 billion loss in 2021

National Taiwan University Hospital(NTUH) Superintendent Wu Ming-hsien in an interview said that while the hospital has long been operating under strain, the inadequacies of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) in providing fair compensation for health professionals has become more apparent during the pandemic, and that despite health professionals’ calling to help the public, institutions must be supported by sound financials.


Superintendent Wu said that the pandemic has led to a dramatic increase in costs for the hospital and other pressures such as reduced patient capacity, as well as additional daily expenses for personal protective equipment which are not covered by the NHI. During the worst of the pandemic, NTUH saw its patient capacity being reduced by as much as nearly 50 percent, while recording NT$1 billion in losses between May and August of 2021.


Superintendent Wu said that the NHI has not been providing fair compensation for the community of health care professionals, because pricing is determined by the NHI and not based on the services rendered, which are issues held close to the hearts of the younger generations of health professionals and physicians. As a result, new talent may opt out of the joining medical departments critical to saving lives.


Superintendent Wu said that there are many lingering issues that cannot be resolved by talent cultivation and research, and instead must rely on stable finances. This creates a looming crisis that must be addressed in advance by politicians and health care leaders.


[2022-6-23/Liberty Times]