Pharmaceutical News
NDC proposes a maximum growth rate of 4.5% for 2019 NHI expenses

Reported by Yu Guo-Chin from Taipei

After considering the NHI financial situation, the National Development Council (NDC) set a ceiling growth rate of 4.5% for the NHI expenses in 2019.  If passed, this growth rate would be the lowest in the recent 5 years.

Lin Chi-Mei of the NDC expressed that this decision was based on the consideration of the NHI budget deficit in the previous year.

From 2014 to 2019, the ceiling growth rate of NHI expenses was 4.45%, 4.75%, 5.8%, 5.9%, 5% and 4.5%.  The NHI will have the tightest budget in the recent 5 years in 2019.

In addition to the ceiling growth rate, the NDC also set the floor growth rate at 2.516%.  Lin expressed that the floor growth rate is to ensure the NHI has sufficient fund to cover the growth of spending due to population growth and an ageing society. 

Lin expressed that the total NHI expenses for next year will be about NT$17.2-30.8 billion more than this year.  In order to eradicate hepatitis C, the NDC agrees to increase the budget for new hepatitis C oral drugs to a maximum of NT$32.2 billion.

The proposed ceiling and floor growth rates will be sent to the Executive Yuan for approval.  The NHI Board will negotiate the NHI Global Budgets based on the determined growth rates with the stakeholders in September.  The NDC has also requested the MOHW to review the NHI financial system to ensure it sustainability.

【2018-07-06/ Commercial Times】