PMS Registry
Company Name
Bayer Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Protocol Number
Title of Study
Observational Study Evaluating Effectiveness and Safety of Real-World Treatment with Damoctocog alfa pegol in Previously Treated Patients with Hemophilia A
Primary Objective
To assess the effectiveness of prophylaxis with damoctocog alfa pegol in the real-world setting through the collection of total bleeding events and analysis of annualized bleeding rate (ABR) in the different prophylaxis regimens (following approved local label) in patients with hemophilia A.
Number of Sites
Period of Study
From:2021 Q1 to:2025 Q2
Number of Patients
IRB Approval Date
CSH 2021/1/11
TCVGH 2021/1/14
KMUH 2020/12/29
SHH Under reviewing
Publication Plan / Date
2026 Q2