PMS Registry
Company Name
Protocol Number
Title of Study
An Observational Study of Enzyme Replacement Therapy-Naïve and Agalsidase beta-Treated Fabry Disease Patients with GLA IVS4+919 G>A Mutation in Taiwan
Primary Objective
Cohort 1 (C1)
To assess change from baseline for a key cardiac outcome in Fabry disease patients who bear GLA IVS4 and have received agalsidase beta treatment.
Cohort 2 (C2)
To assess change from baseline for a key cardiac outcome in Fabry disease patients who bear GLA IVS4 and will initiate agalsidase beta treatment.
Number of Sites
Period of Study
From:2023/03/10 to:2027/02/25
Number of Patients
IRB Approval Date
NTUH: 7/25/2023
TPVGH: 8/30/2023
MMH: 9/26/2023
TCVGH: 7/26/2023
NCKUH: 8/1/2023
Publication Plan / Date